Real Estate Sector

Building Management

PT. Carita Karya Graha

Carita Karya Graha is one of PT. Intra Asia Corpora’s subsidiary in the property sector providing building management services. The company manages our main office which includes an 8 storey building and warehouses for GED, auctions, and other property operations. 

  • Wisma Intra Asia Jl. Prof. Dr. Soepomo SH No.58, Kel. Menteng Dalam, Kec. Tebet Jakarta Selatan 12870

PT. Detta Marina

Established in 1981, PT. Detta Marina is a warehouse provider that supports industrial property needs and focusing on providing robust buildings and logistics warehouses in Jakarta, Indonesia. PT. Detta Marina has a land bank of 35 Ha.

  • +62(21) 798 6058
  • Complex Detta Marina Jl. Raya Bogor Km.28, Pasar Rebo Jakarta 13710

We Provide The Best Service In Industry

Please contact us for more information